

We first saw the house in Archanes (known as the "Segredakis house" in the centre of the settlement of Archanes) in 2006.  Imposing, left to the ravages of time, we loved it and it became part of our lives.  For many years we dreamed of it, but only in 2019 we started its complete restoration with respect and love.

It took a long way before it could reopen its doors and windows to visitors in the summer of 2023.  

There are many stories of the house that has stood stalwart since 1890 across the holy mountain of Juktas.  And we are especially happy to allow visitors to create their own stories within its authentically welcoming space.

The mansion itself with its imposing presence over the years and our own personal family history led to the name of the place and the Carpe Diem logo (carpe diem quam minimum credula postero Seize the day and trust not in the future) from Book I of the Odes of Horace (23 BC). ), a Latin poet whose name calls and reminds us to live in the moment and whose symbol is the lilies of the sand, which for thousands of years this miracle of nature has defied the salt and the arid landscape of the sand dunes and has thrived on the salt and the cool breeze of the honeysuckle every summer.  Flowers that the Minoans adored and uniquely depicted in their frescoes. 

The next story may be the one you will write in CARPE DIEM 

We are waiting for you!